
Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Real Dirt on Clean

You know that good, healthy feeling you get when you’ve just cleaned house? Sorry to spoil it, but you may have just made your home dirtier.
Think of it this way
How dangerous? Just take a look at these statistics.
  • Over 90% of poison exposures happen at home.
  • Common chlorine bleach is the #1 household chemical involved in poisoning.
  • Organic pollutants, found in many common cleaners and even air fresheners, are found at levels 2 to 5 times higher inside your home than out.
  • A person who spends 15 minutes cleaning scale off shower walls could inhale three timesthe “acute one-hour exposure limit” for glycol ether-containing products set by the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment.
  • Common cleaners give off fumes that can potentially increase the risk of kids developing asthma, the most common chronic childhood disease.
  • 1 in 13 school-aged children has asthma. Rates in children under five have increased more than 160% from 1980 – 1994.
  • Children are highly vulnerable to chemical toxicants. Pound for pound of body weight, children drink more water, eat more food, and breathe more air than adults. The implication of this is that children will have substantially heavier exposures than adults to any toxicants that are present in water, food, or air.
  • If your home is anything like the average U.S. home, you generate more than 20 pounds of household hazardous waste each year (the EPA designates toilet cleaners, tub and tile cleaners, oven cleaners, and bleach as hazardous waste).
To find out what’s lurking on your shelves, go to the National Institutes of Health Library of Medicine Household Products Database. You can search almost any brand of cleaner you use, find out what’s in it, and uncover its links to health effects. Or search by chemical ingredients (see list below for some examples) and discover what brands contain it. The information may shock

Chemical ingredients to look out for:

  • Sodium hydroxide
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Butyl cellosolve (2-Butoxyethanol)
  • Formaldehyde
  • Bleach (sodium hypochlorite)
  • Ammonia
  • Sulfamic acid
  • Petroleum distillates
  • Sulfuric acid
  • Lye (potassium hydroxide)
  • Morpholine

4 Simple Ways to Get Clean

Your home should be the safest, healthiest, cleanest place in the whole world.

So we’ve put together some pretty easy things you can do to make your family safer and your home healthier.And, as it turns out, what’s good for your home is good for the earth and everyone else on it, too. So let’s make our homes healthy. Let’s clean our hearts out. Let’s Get Clean.

1. Get the dirt.

Educate yourself about what you bring into your home

2. Have a clean-for-all.

Put on the gloves and get rid of the nasty stuff in your home. Responsibly, of course. Your local waste collection service has guidelines for proper household hazardous waste disposal, as well as collection sites for things like paint, batteries, and cleaners. Whatever you do, please don’t toss this stuff in the garbage.

3. Welcome healthy into your home.

Commit to carefully considering everything that crosses your doorstep. Here are some safe, healthy things to have in your home:
  • Cleaners that are truly cleaner. Get Clean offers product choices that are: nontoxic, natural, biodegradable, concentrated, and hypoallergenic.
  • Fresh air. Open your windows to reduce indoor air pollution.
  • Essential oils. Use these instead of air fresheners.
  • Plants. Besides being nice to look at, they can absorb harmful gases and help clean the air.
  • Organic cotton bedding. Avoid standard bedding treated with chemicals.
  • Floors made of recycled and renewable resources.
  • Healthier paint. That new paint smell can be as nasty as it smells. Choose low VOC paint instead.

4. Clean up our collective home.

Make the earth healthier for all of us who call it home by using these things in yours:
  • Energy Star-rated appliances. Save money and energy.
  • A low-flush toilet. Replace the largest user of water in your house. Ultra low flushers cut water use by one-fifth.
  • Low-flow showerheads. Same pressure. Less water.
  • Your flicker finger. Turn off lights and appliances when you’re not using them.
  • Gray water system. Install one to recycle used household water for your lawn.
  • Tankless water heater. Save money, energy, and space in the broom closet. Use it to store your new Get Clean Starter Kit.

Print this out here: Get Clean Handout

I recommend starting with:

*Thanks Bonnie Donahue for this awesome post. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

What We Did Wednesday

Painting, pictures, packing, and pork chops! Wednesday was a busy busy day this week; I guess to make up for last week's rainy day. Waking up at 9:45 and realizing my kid is still fast asleep (kind of get nervous when that happens) is pretty awesome, but I had to get her up and get the day going. Raleigh did not like me waking her up at all.

Me- "Raleigh, it's time to get up" (peeks up from the covers)
Raleigh-"No. Momma, out"

I couldn't help but laugh and cuddle up with her for a few minutes. We went over to our friend's house to paint and play. We got the whole room done while she napped and even snuck in some grilled cheese and soup. Which was perfect because holy crap is it cold out there! It is very cold up here in Chicago today! Luckily I brought a few scarves, gloves, and comfy cozy coats. I am super excited because my Shaklee conference starts tonight! YAY!

We headed home after painting, ate a yummy pork chop dinner with the family, and then she ran around like a crazy person. Screams and giggles can make anybody grin ear to ear. She also found a red hat that she had been wearing all day and now calls it her "hobo hat". Thanks to daddy. In her plaid shirt, scratched up nose, and knit hat she looked a little ruff this morning so he called her a little hobo. Now she thinks that is the hat's name. Raleigh is such a happy girl that it reminds me to enjoy the small things in life. Enjoy your kids while they are young, crazy, and fun. They really do say the darnedest things and I started writing those sayings down so I will never forget the good times.

Look at that pouty lip!!!

Hope y'all have a great weekend and stay safe. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

One Pot Cheesy Sausage Pasta

Have you ever had a night where you had to just rummage through your fridge and find something to make quickly for dinner? That was last night for me and the only meat thawed was some smoked sausage. I figured I could find some pasta recipe on Pinterest to try out. I found this one from Yellow Bliss Road and went for it. It had everything I liked in it so why not?

It was delicious, fast, and very filling. My husband couldn't even eat a second helping (that's rare) and I couldn't even finish my bowl. We stuffed our faces while watching Dancing with the Stars & 2 Broke Girls while Raleigh kept asking "more momma. Raleigh eat."

Here is the recipe from Yellow Bliss Road's website:

  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 pkg Hillshire Farm Smoked Turkey Sausage, sliced
  • 1 cup diced onion
  • 1 Tbsp minced garlic (about two fresh cloves)
  • 2 cups Chicken Broth
  • 1 (10 oz) can diced tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup milk or heavy cream
  • 8 oz dry pasta (any small pasta will do)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper, each
  • 1 cup shredded Cheddar-Jack cheese
  • 1/3 cup chopped scallions, for garnish
  1. Add olive oil to a 4-5 quart saute pan over medium high heat. Add onions and sausage and cook until lightly browned. Add garlic and cook for about 30 seconds.
  2. Add chicken broth, tomatoes, milk, pasta, and seasonings. Bring the mixture to a boil, cover, and reduce heat to low. Simmer for about 15 minutes, or until pasta is tender.
  3. Turn off the heat and stir in 1/2 cup of cheese. Sprinkle remaining cheese on top and cover for about five minutes to allow cheese to melt. Top with sliced scallions and serve.
  4. Makes about 4 servings.

I followed it closely but did change a few things just because it was what I had one hand. I always use to keep boxes and boxes of pasta in my pantry, but since we have moved I don't have my stockpile anymore. I had to scrounge up some pasta and luckily found 2 boxes of the same pasta both almost empty! SCORE! 

I loved how this is all in one skillet so less dishes for me to clean at the end of the night. SCORE 2! 

Tomorrow is a day for painting and packing. I am so excited to be heading on a road trip to Chicago with some of my Shaklee partners. It will be an inspiring, fun-filled, and cold weekend. Stay warm everyone a cold front is moving in! 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Get it off with Scour Off!

Cooking delicious, yummy, mouth-watering food can be a fun, but cleaning is always a hassle for me. This house had a very dirty griddle that was begging to be cleaned. It had been caked on there for awhile because even my fingernail couldn't get under all the grease and grime. I knew I had something to fix it though. It was screaming at me from under the sink…"USE ME! USE ME!". Scour Off came to the rescue.

This little jar can make even the grimiest messes sparkle like new. Bonus: I don't have to take a break from cleaning because the smell is giving me a headache. Scour Off smells like cherry lip balm! No joke! I also never have to worry about mixing ammonia and bleach (this mustard produced isn't the good kind you put on a hot dog) ever again. Scour Off is made from cherry pits. Yes, you read that right…cherry pits. It's an amazing paste that can handle even the toughest jobs. Flat-top stoves, grills, ovens, griddles, crayon/pen markers on tables/walls, wheels, scuff mark on cars, etc… I have seen this used on all those plus more. It is a generous size container, but you don't need a lot for each project.

If you're interested in trying Scour Off yourself, or replacing your cleaners with all natural non-toxic ones, I highly recommend starting with one of the Get Clean Starter Kits! (The kit does not come with the Scour Off now but if you order the Get Clean Starter Kit before January 2015 then I will personally send you a Scour Off. This kit will last you a really long time, about a year. So no more running to the store because you ran out of dish soap, all purpose cleaner, window cleaner, etc…

Hope y'all have a great week. Check back Wednesday for a new post :D

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What We Did Wednesday

♫ Rain rain go away… that was the song we sang most of the day. We had a cold, rainy lazy day in this house. I hate rainy days and love them at the same time. I hate that we are stuck inside trying to stay occupied with every puzzle, book, play-doh, and coloring book we have. However, I love cuddling up on the couch with a blanket and watching a movie or listening to the rain hit the tin roof. That is one of the best sounds.

Country life definitely has it perks. Fall is the prettiest time of year. I love all the colors, smells, and weather. Raleigh always says "oooo pretty" when she sees the trees.
Raleigh has been obsessed with watching Mickey Mouse lately. She immediately asked for it when she got up this morning. While she danced to the hot dog song, I made her a Mickey themed breakfast. She will eat anything so this strange combo didn't phase her. This kid is a bottomless pit! Per request: "biscuits, awwberry, badada"
While terrorizing the house & emptying out the toy cabinet, she found this Homedics massager. She could not stop laughing. It tickles like crazy on my feet too. Thank goodness she is so easily amused or I would be drinking a lot of wine tonight to de-stress. 
This is the chalkboard I made today for the Shaklee booth this Friday. If you're in the area {Pleasant View, TN} stop by 24church for their Christmas Extravaganza! Or you can shop online if you can't make it.

Y'all gonna check out the CMAs? I have it recording on DVR right now :D

Have a great rest of the week y'all!