
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Etsy & Halloween 2012

Hey yal!

So after getting some good feedback on my Chalkboard post. I got the nerve to post a few fall & Halloween inspired chalkboard designs on Etsy. More feedback on them would be awesome or even requests for a certain styles/sayings. I would love to make more if these do well. So start decorating with cute chalkboard signs in your home. I know I am gonna print them out myself and put them in cute frames around the house. Check out my Etsy!

Fall is by far my favorite time of the year! I love all the trees changing colors, fall fashions (I'm a scarf & boot addict), the smells of tobacco barns (you know what I mean if you live in the South) & bonfires, and of course Halloween.  Fall is the most beautiful season, plus the weather is perfect. If only we had these temperatures all year long.

I love pumpkins and hay bales for decorations on the porch. I am also excited because this year when we go to pumpkin patch, Miss Raleigh can enjoy it more. Last year she was a newborn so she slept most of the time. Didn't stop us from getting pictures though. My hubby was a baby hog there because he was worried about the hay ride being "too bumpy".
Here was my tiny newborn last October. These were Raleigh's Halloween outfits last year. The first one was my favorite. :) I don't have nearly enough this year *tear*. I need to go shopping soon. YAY!

Go check out the new shop & let me know what you think by commenting on here. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Birthday Weekend!

I never believed anyone when they said "Time flies". They were 100% right. Today I am 1 year old. This is the first birthday as a mother; I realized how much she really made my day perfect. Last year, I was almost 39 weeks pregnant and miserable. It was scorching hot here (well at least to a pregnant woman) and I was so anxious to meet my little girl. All we did last year was go eat because I was too tired and in too much pain to do anything else.

This whole weekend has been family oriented and wonderful. 
Friday: we went to the park down to road for the first time. It was fall weather so I wanted to get out and enjoy it before our crazy Tennessee weather changes. I swear one week it'll be a monsoon, then burning hot, then cool off, and start all over again. We have some crazy weather here. This was Raleigh's first time at the park so I was curious how she would do. Well after a few minutes she realized it was okay and had a heck of a time in the swing.
Saturday: I worked half my shift at home then hustled to get the family together to go Koby's work picnic. I got to meet his co-workers, but the faces never match to the ones you picture in your head. We got a free, delicious lunch, watched a barge launch, listened to music that was too loud, and had a nice family day. After that long day we went out to eat for my birthday at Olive Garden only because I can't handle making food decisions. I hate doing it :p Blah. 

Sunday: I worked another half shift until 8:00am then hurried to get us ready for church. I was very excited because I have not been able to go to church since I changed to 1st shift. We had a fun time keeping track of a 1 year old during the service. We just gave her a little crawling room between the chairs, toys, and paci so she was set to go. Raleigh, of course, got the attention of the people in front and behind us but luckily they loved cute babies. They were infatuated with her and so was the staff and customers at the Chinese restaurant after church. They all played her pointing game and peek-a-boo. I don't know if my Raleigh will ever be shy. 

After a nice long nap for the 3 of us, Koby left for his long night shift. We have been dancing, singing, and terrorizing the house ever since. Proof?
Her room after I leave her for probably 5 minutes. I always find he flipping through books, not usually throwing them. 
 Raleigh wanted to play a game of "How many things can I out in my mouth in the matter of 5 seconds". Her record is 3 so far. 

My birthday weekend was pretty awesome for my standards. Family, friends, and warm memories. Just having this beautiful girl sitting in my lap as I am typing this is a blessing. My birthday is more complete with her here. 

Hope yal liked the pictures. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Chalkboard Mania!!!

Chalkboards are sweeping the nation! I jumped on this awesome bandwagon a few months back. I was amazed at what some people can do using this old school method. I have only 1 real chalkboard in my house & it's actually a bunting banner. Which I love because for every holiday I will write on it for Raleigh. I have found that I am not so skilled at free hand writing yet. I learned a few tricks that will come in handy when I make my nice big chalkboard soon, but for now I use the computer. Less messy & frustrating. ;) 

So I designed Raleigh's invitations & her poster in chalkboard theme. I printed her invitations on card stock at my local Fedex Kinkos (seriously when did that happen...little confusing if you ask me) for only $9.96. I made 30 invitations & they let me use their big cutter so I wouldn't go crazy at home cutting out each one & end up stabbing myself with scissors. Then I sealed the envelopes with cute washi tape that matches. They are on their way out now after forgetting them at home several times. The hubby finally just mailed them for me since I have the memory of a goldfish.
I just finished her 1 year poster today since she has pictures tomorrow. I know I know, PROCRASTINATION! I've always been bad at that. This I went to Office Depot & the lady printed it out on 18X24 engineering paper in color for $1.99 sqft. I should've done black & white, it would've only been $2.59 total, but oh well. Here's how that turned out.
Now I am going a little crazy & making seasonal posters & pictures for frames around the house. I love designing these. Shows my creative side a little, well it makes me feel like I have one. ;)
I will show you some of those soon. 

I am thinking of putting some on Etsy, but we'll see. ;)
I just opened my shop & I'm taking pictures to add new things. Chalkboard pennants will be on there soon, plus all my seasonal art. Get them while they are low priced. 

If any suggestions for any seasonal art (like sayings) let me know by email. :)

So what do yal think? Are you on the chalkboard bandwagon too?