
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tips for Selling Your Home Quickly

Hey everyone! I know I have been MIA recently. I did not get abducted by aliens or anything; we have just been crazy busy around here and I have barely had time to breathe. We just got back from vacation plus we have been getting our house ready to sell and that took a lot of work. Not saying my house was a wreck or anything but anyone who has a kid (especially a toddler) knows that cleaning sometimes is like brushing your teeth with oreos. Raleigh is a big help with dishes and laundry but the girl likes to pull out every book and says "read""pwease". Who can resist or be mad at that?

I had to get a lot done to get ready for the house to show so I made a list, of course. Best tips I have found for a good showing.

1. De-clutter!

This one definitely took the longest. I went through every room and took everything off the counters or shelves that I did not need for awhile. This ended up with several boxes of stuff going into our storage shed so it's still close by if I did need something. Toys can take over your home like the plaque so take some toys out of the mix and you can rotate them back in later. I also got out large furniture items that weren't necessary or getting a lot of use so it makes your rooms feel bigger.

2. Get rid of it!

As you are decluttering your home, make a pile specifically for items to give away/donate. This will help you later when you're moving so you wont take stuff to your new house that you know you'll never use. I liked this step a lot because the more I gave away the better I felt. I had less stuff to store and clean, and somebody else will probably get more use out of it than me.

3. Deep clean!

Mmmmm, the feel of clean. I am not a huge cleaning fan either…I see a trend here ;) but when I get in  cleaning mode then I get on a roll. I recommend a good deep cleaning on your whole house: base boards, ceiling fans, behind the toilet, wipe door frames, wash & vacuum carpets, pressure wash outside, etc. It makes not just your home look new but makes you feel good to have a clean home. I do recommend Shaklee. I just started using it around my house and LOVE it. Being an all natural product you think it can't clean but man…it definitely can. Bonus is that its all safe for kids and animals because it's plant based. Check it out here.

4. Smelling good!

On the day of a showing, light some candles or incense for awhile, or even have something baking. I know when I walk into a house for a tour and there is a smell of garbage or animal poop then I am immediately turned off. Have your home smelling great when someone comes in so they have a great feeling from the start.

5. Light! Light! Light!

Open those curtains and blinds. Natural light is good on so many levels. It shows the buyers the house in a totally different light…;) It also highlights all those good colors around your home. It'll make your home feel brighter without that yellowish tint of light bulbs, because we know that does not do any good for pictures so it won't be much help during a showing either…unless it's nighttime. :D

6. Pets!

Try to take all your cute little companions with you before the showing. I have personally been to a showing where their dog barked the whole time and it's very unpleasant. You can't focus on the house or imagine yourself living there if there is an animal barking at you.

7. Soothing music!

I know it's not one that is common to see, but I actually found it very nice. I put on these nice wind chimes and mixed with good smells walking in makes you just feel calmer. You can also use classical music or anything else you find calming.

8. Curb appeal!

My porches were a mess. I mean my husband had so many tools on the back porch it made me think it was a workshop. Clean it all off and make it as simple as possible. Get flowers and anything that is attractive to the eye. I put 2 pots by my door and 2 smaller ones on my back porch steps with 2 little lanterns. It's all about simplicity and colors that are appealing to the eye.

That's my list! I believe doing all of these steps will help get your home sold quickly. It will help the buyers see the potential in your home and help them to see how their home could or would look like. Praying ours sells quickly now and praying to also find a perfect new house to make our new home. Wish us luck.

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