So after getting some good feedback on my Chalkboard post. I got the nerve to post a few fall & Halloween inspired chalkboard designs on Etsy. More feedback on them would be awesome or even requests for a certain styles/sayings. I would love to make more if these do well. So start decorating with cute chalkboard signs in your home. I know I am gonna print them out myself and put them in cute frames around the house. Check out my Etsy!
Fall is by far my favorite time of the year! I love all the trees changing colors, fall fashions (I'm a scarf & boot addict), the smells of tobacco barns (you know what I mean if you live in the South) & bonfires, and of course Halloween. Fall is the most beautiful season, plus the weather is perfect. If only we had these temperatures all year long.
I love pumpkins and hay bales for decorations on the porch. I am also excited because this year when we go to pumpkin patch, Miss Raleigh can enjoy it more. Last year she was a newborn so she slept most of the time. Didn't stop us from getting pictures though. My hubby was a baby hog there because he was worried about the hay ride being "too bumpy".
Here was my tiny newborn last October. These were Raleigh's Halloween outfits last year. The first one was my favorite. :) I don't have nearly enough this year *tear*. I need to go shopping soon. YAY!
Go check out the new shop & let me know what you think by commenting on here.