Painting, pictures, packing, and pork chops! Wednesday was a busy busy day this week; I guess to make up for last week's rainy day. Waking up at 9:45 and realizing my kid is still fast asleep (kind of get nervous when that happens) is pretty awesome, but I had to get her up and get the day going. Raleigh did not like me waking her up at all.
Me- "Raleigh, it's time to get up" (peeks up from the covers)
Raleigh-"No. Momma, out"
I couldn't help but laugh and cuddle up with her for a few minutes. We went over to our friend's house to paint and play. We got the whole room done while she napped and even snuck in some grilled cheese and soup. Which was perfect because holy crap is it cold out there! It is very cold up here in Chicago today! Luckily I brought a few scarves, gloves, and comfy cozy coats. I am super excited because my Shaklee conference starts tonight! YAY!
We headed home after painting, ate a yummy pork chop dinner with the family, and then she ran around like a crazy person. Screams and giggles can make anybody grin ear to ear. She also found a red hat that she had been wearing all day and now calls it her "hobo hat". Thanks to daddy. In her plaid shirt, scratched up nose, and knit hat she looked a little ruff this morning so he called her a little hobo. Now she thinks that is the hat's name. Raleigh is such a happy girl that it reminds me to enjoy the small things in life. Enjoy your kids while they are young, crazy, and fun. They really do say the darnedest things and I started writing those sayings down so I will never forget the good times.
Look at that pouty lip!!!
Hope y'all have a great weekend and stay safe.
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